How to Use BeeShroomin Spawn Bags for Effective Mushroom Cultivation

Welcome to BeeShroomin’s guide on maximizing the potential of our all-in-one spawn bags. Our spawn bags are designed with top-quality, organic ingredients to ensure successful mushroom growth. Whether you are using our spawn bags with a CVG (coir, vermiculite, and gypsum) top layer or the hardwood pellet/bran version, this guide will help you achieve optimal results.

What are Spawn Bags?

BeeShroomin’s spawn bags are all-in-one solutions that include a sterilized mix of non-GMO organic whole grain rye berry with vermiculite at the bottom to maintain proper moisture levels. The top layer varies between two types:

  • CVG Top Layer: Ideal for moisture retention and nutrient supply.
  • Hardwood Pellet/Bran Top Layer: Perfect for wood-loving mushroom species, providing essential nutrients and structure.

Getting Started with Your Spawn Bags

Materials Needed:

  • BeeShroomin spawn bag of your choice
  • A small knife or hole punch
  • Mist bottle with water
  • Gloves and face mask (optional but recommended for cleanliness)

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Spawn Bags:

  1. Prepare Your Workspace: Clean and sanitize your workspace. Wearing gloves and a mask can prevent contamination and promote a sterile environment.

  2. Activation:

    • Gently break apart any clumps of grain in the bag by massaging the outside.
    • Using a sterile small knife or hole punch, introduce a few small holes or slits into the bag. These will serve as air exchange points and are crucial for mycelial respiration.
  3. Incubation:

    • Place the spawn bag in a dark, warm area where temperatures are consistently between 68°F and 75°F (20°C to 24°C).
    • Avoid direct sunlight and keep the bag out of drafts which could dry out the substrate.
  4. Monitoring and Maintenance:

    • Check the moisture level every few days. The substrate should feel moist but not wet. Use a mist bottle to lightly spray water if the substrate appears dry.
    • Observe for signs of mycelial growth, which should appear as white, web-like structures spreading throughout the grain.
  5. Fruiting:

    • Once the bag is fully colonized (completely covered in mycelium), move it to an area with indirect light and slightly cooler temperatures to initiate fruiting.
    • Continue to maintain humidity by misting as needed.
  6. Harvesting:

    • Mushrooms are ready to harvest just before the veils beneath the caps start to tear.
    • Gently twist and pull mushrooms from the substrate, being careful not to damage the mycelium.


  • How long do spawn bags take to colonize? Typically, spawn bags take between 2 to 4 weeks to fully colonize, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

  • Can I reuse spawn bags? Spawn bags are generally designed for a single use as opening and reusing them can introduce contaminants and affect yield quality.

With BeeShroomin’s spawn bags, mushroom cultivation is straightforward and rewarding. Follow these guidelines to enjoy abundant yields of your favorite mushrooms. Remember, the key to successful cultivation is maintaining a clean, controlled environment and monitoring your bags regularly.